Sauereisen F-88 ChimneySeal


Sauereisen Manhole ChimneySeal No. F-88 is an elastomeric lining com-posed of fiber-reinforced, asphalt-modi-fied urethane. ChimneySeal is used as a chemical-resistant membrane or gasket seal for the prevention of water infiltration.

Manhole ChimneySeal has excellent adhesion to most substrates. As a high solids elastomer, it is recommended when movement from temperature change or other causes will be encountered.

Manhole ChimneySeal maintains excellent elasticity and adhesion over a temperature range of -30F to 250F. The flexible barrier resists freeze/thaw stresses and movement. When subjected to mechanical stress, the lining has nearly 100% recovery. Manhole ChimneySeal also resists alkalies, salts and acids.

Click here to Watch our Video Demonstration of Sauereisen F-88 ChimneySeal